I’m drinking the koolaid hard. The more and more I use the Ôscillation by Lancôme the more I like it.
The main reason I love this mascara so much is the consistent results. My lashes look the same every time I apply. I’m not a big fan of the clumpy mascara look and I really like the application of the product. They are thin, long and separated. There is a Canadian website now, oscillation.ca.
The product will be at The Bay from December 6, 2008. I missed out on the Ôscillation One Day Sale on Thursday November 20th at Lancome.ca, The Bay Queen Street and La Baie Montreal. It was sold out by the time I goto the website. Seems demand will be brisk on December 6, I hope I can get another one before they are all sold out. I have no idea when or if they will restock and I was told that supplies will be limited.
When I attended the preview, the reps really had no idea if people will pay for the product, hence the limited run. Doubley so with this economic climate we are in. If you’ve been reading my del.icio.us fashion links, you’ll know that the Beauty industry isn’t going to ride out this economic situation very well.