Floating in the ether

He has a name

And it’s Zanta.

If you live in Toronto it possible you have seen Zanta before. I see him on the subway most times doing crazy shit in that Santa hat. Last time he was wearing these massive moon boots, shorts, no shirt, the Santa hat and a winter jacket. He decided to flex for everyone.

Leave a comment with your favourite Zanta story.

Edit: Livejournal is the place for all your Zanta news. Who knew the Sun did a story on him.

Edit (2/21/06): There are great pictures of Zanta here and here

EDIT(2/24/06): There is a documentary about Zanta, check it out. Thanks TP.

EDIT(3/28/06): There are some interviews with Zanta available. Thanks CaugheyMachine. (Ya, I’m slow with the updates)

This entry was posted in: Floating in the ether


Anita Clarke is an Engineering Storyteller and the founder of the fashion blog “I want – I got.” She was one of the first and most prominent online fashion writers in Toronto and Canada.