Year: 2006

hi there Variety readers

I’m seeing a lot of search queries for “i want i got”, “geek girl” and of course my name. So, I can only assume that Variety readers are finding me, yay. An incorrect link for my site was in the mag :(. There was no i in Anyways, thank you curious readers. It means a lot for you to take the time to search me out. Enjoy the site. And to my regular visitors, thanks for reading too.

we are overrun with these things

This made me laugh on craigslist. This bag is so damn popular in Toronto right now, of course many of them are knockoffs. I used to think it was a nice bag (in black only) but now I’m just sick of it now. Knockoff or no knockoff, get an original bag people. Stop doing the sheep thing. Shudder. image:

Marc you suprise me

I’m not a Marc Jacobs fan to be honest. Some of the LV monstrosities are just too much for me. So much so, that I don’t even get around to looking at his other endeavors. I didn’t like his Fall 2007 LV show much when I saw it on This picture from the spring show doesn’t do anything for me. I write it off as more over-sized shapeless blah. It’s weird though, I saw this Marc by Marc Jacobs cape in person recently and it gives off a totally different vibe. I loved it. Holt Renfrew has it on a third floor mannequin and it looks fantastic. It even looks good on the hanger. I’m into the cape this fall. I might even break out the vintage one I bought years ago but never use. I call it my Sherlock Holmes jacket because it reminds me of something he would wear. It’s nice that it’s in style now. I didn’t like the Marc Jacobs Fall 2006 collection too much and Spring Summer 2007 is …

i want…

Hepburn Cape by Desperately Different I saw this jacket at the Little black Dress shop and had to try it on. The above link takes you the collection picture. Check out the back after the jump

strange days and Variety Magazine

Today was a strange one. I spent a lot of time preoccupied with an event, an unveiling even. I have an article out in the Daily Variety from Variety magazine. I’ve been sitting on this news for a few months, but it’s finally arrived. I can now call myself a professional writer. It’s baffles my mind really. It comes as a surprise to friends and family I’ve told because they don’t understand how I got to this point. I don’t talk about blogging much in the real world, it’s kinda cliche. Anyways, the Daily Variety is on newsstands now. If you are a subscriber you can view the content (without graphics) online. Non subscribers can sign up for a free trial and check it out too. You can read all about it on

Project Runway 3

OK…. So Project Runway 3 finally started airing on the LIFE network, and I have to say that I already have my favourites. Who do I think is going to win ? I don’t know but my top 3 are…. Robert – He is the cutest of the bunch, and just like every good fairy….. He knows how to spill the dirt !!! (although we already knew Isaac was a B#@H to work with) Jeffrey – Talented…. Although it wasn’t innovative, it was well constructed with clean lines. He will go far. Laura – She walked in with 2 Louis Vuitton Suitcases !!! You go GIRL !!!! Can’t wait to see the next episode!!!! two things I have to get off my chest though are…. 1.) VINCENT !!! WHAT WAS WITH THE BASKET !!!!! 2.) BONNIE !!! Don’t admit to helping Serena design her sports outfits…… Believe me… It’s not good !!!!!