Year: 2008

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – geekigirl’s Top Collections

So I’m going to do what I never do, break down my top collections from L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009. This is of course based on the shows I attended. These are the collections that moved me the most. The collections that made me thank god for attending the tents that night. The collections that make me salivate at the mouth. Denis Gagnon – This collection is really what my fashion dreams are made of. Hauntingly beautiful with that slightly dark twist I love. Box it all up and ship it home. Morales – Architectural, sculptural, colourful. Something different from every day fair. Evan Biddell – Streetwear done right. Finally, someone has me interested again. Streetwear has fallen off my radar as of late. Greta Constantine – statement dress makers. While I’m not down with the colour palette, there’s no denying those shapes.

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – Afshin Feiz

Afshin Feiz Vancouver born, London-based Afshin Feiz came back to Canada to present his collection in The Studio. The Studio was the smaller runway venue during fashion week. It gives you a great view if you are in the front row, but if you are in the 2nd row you don’t get to see much. Afshin combined hard and soft textures in a different way. The dresses that Julia Che of Lotusleaf and Mary Kitchen from FT were really cool and black. Most of his collection were pastels.

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – Denis Gagnon

I could have boxed up every piece of Denis Gagnon’s collection yesterday and taken it home. I loved everything. Well, everything but the gold lame stuff, not a fan of gold. It was a leather and jersey dream. The jewelry by Harakiri, stunning. The handbags designed by Denis and produced by Fullum & Holt are freaking amazing! I was worried when I heard there would be colour and jersey, but damn, it’s so drool worthy. It was a great show to finish off fashion week, and my favourite if you haven’t figured that out from the gushing yet. Everything was perfect for the show: the styling, models, music, accessories and clothing. I love Denis’s dark vision for the collection. This is draping done well. I have to find someway to own a piece of this collection, someway. I wouldn’t mind a handbag either. I wanted to meet Denis at his afterparty but I didn’t get a chance. This week has been pretty busy and I was damn tired and had an early Saturday morning to …

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – Lucian Matis

Lucian Matis put on one of the more interesting shows at L’Oreal Fashion Week. I really enjoyed his pixelated print pieces. Some of the pearl encrusted pieces were very nice, especially the one with the back detail but a few felt a little over done. I wasn’t a big fan of the pieces with the face print and I’m not even too sure who the print is of. The runway music was very sweet and fit with the collection. Of course, Lucian being Lucian he had a bride finale. It was quite beautiful but it didn’t fit in with the themes already established. The bride thing is kinda over done, but I have to admit I kinda liked it. After all, I did miss Alfred Sung earlier in the week.

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – Damzels in this Dress/Play Dead Cult

Damzels in this Dress and Play Dead Cult always put on a fun show. Their models have energy and they play to the camera. Damzels went into the print business and their 50s rockabilly sensibilities got a new twist. They also rocked up the negligee. Play Dead stepped up the game and brought some really great dresses into the mix of tshirts and denim. I really, really loved the skull dress.

L’Oreal Fashion Week Spring 2009 – Mellinda-Mae Harlingten

I am not the target market for the Mellinda-Mae Harlingten collection. She wears headbands and probably reads Nylon. I wear headbands when playing squash only and they are of the terrycloth persuasion. Only standout items for me were the green tiered ruffle dress and a cropped hoodie. The dude who came out shirtless in gold lame leggings and heels was hilarious. Completely terrifying and disturbing but hilarious.

The Nature of Diamonds

The Nature of Diamonds Until March 22, 2009 Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto I’m not a big fan of diamonds at all. I really had no plans to visit The Nature of Diamonds at the ROM. However, I changed my mind when the media invite I received in the mail had a picture of the Diamond “lace” cuff bracelet (top left image above). I was floored and I found myself in the basement on the crystal listening to speeches. Some were rather uncomfortable given the subject. After the talking I was able put aside my issues and view the exhibit. It was a well rounded exhibit on diamonds, starting with the fact that the stuff is just super hard carbon. It covered physical, historical, religious/mythological, industrial and artistic aspect of diamonds. There was a lot of educational stuff, but I just wanted to see the rocks. Princess Mathilde corsage ornament is OH MY GOD stunning in person. STUNNING!!!!!! (picture on top right above). Other items of interest include the 407.48-carat golden coloured …