

Fit-in 15 - The 15 minute fitness habit

I’ve been called out for a challenge. The Fit-in 15 campaign is about building awareness to bring physical activity into your daily life. Most people have a hard time starting up a heavy routine at the gym and think that’s the only way to be active. Its just not true, adding as little as 15 minutes of activity a day can yield health benefits. Active living is a lifestyle, you need to incorporate activities that fit your schedule and stick to them. Start out small and increase. The main key is REPETITION. Get it stuck in your brain so you don’t even think of it. There are many things you can do and I’m going to talk about the things I do daily over the course of the next week.

Research shows that 90% of Canadians want to be more physically active, but cite lack of time as a main deterrent. To address this, the CCA is launching a new website on June 17, 2009, called Fit-in 15. The site encourages Canadians to commit to doing 15 minutes of physical activity each day. The emphasis of the campaign is not on dramatic transformation, but on encouraging people to start small and simply begin forming the habit of being active every day.

This challenge isn’t only about me as I have a giveway for one of my lucky readers that joins me in the Fit-in-15 activities. The winner will get a 4G ipod shuffle. Details of the contest will be posted tomorrow. It’s a sporty one, so be ready.

So, check the website out at Fit-in 15. I’ll be having daily posts for the next week doing my best to encourage you all to get out and make some time for exercise. You don’t need a trainer or fancy equipment.

Why am I doing this you ask? It seems pretty strange for a fashion blogger to be talking exercise. Many of you don’t know that I’m a former Junior National level athlete. Sports was my life during school (I have the medals, ribbons and newspaper clippings to prove it) and I would train more than 3 hours a day. I even have a B.Sc with a major in Kinesiology. While my training days are over, I still keep active. My sport of choice is now Squash with Skiing and Rollerblading rounding out my top 3. I really should get on writing a bio for myself 🙂

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