Designers, Fashion

Women’s Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues

Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues - Louis Vuitton

Wallpaper has posted some images of the venues for the Spring 2010 collections.

Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues - Prada
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues  - Stella McCartney
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues - Dior
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues  -  Viktor & Rolf
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues - Jean Paul Gaultier
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues - Chanel
Women's Spring 2010 Fashion Week Venues  - John Galliano

From top: Louis Vuitton, Prada, Stella McCartney, Dior, Viktor & Rolf, Jean Paul Gaultier, Chanel, John Galliano

Check out this video featuring the making of the Chanel venue from
