MAC Year of the Snake
The editorial shots for the MAC cosmetics are always great. The Year of the Snake collection shots are just so beautiful. I’m really enamoured with this beauty shot. Everything about it is just perfect.

MAC Year of the Snake
The snake-inspired collection is defined by a palette of vibrant shades and shimmering finishes. Beauty powder illuminates the skin, eye shadow creates striking contrasts and pigments intensify the effect. Zoom lash adds definition and powerpoint eye pencil defines a razor-sharp line. Lipsticks quiver with lustre and m·a·c’s exclusive packaging slithers with chic – featuring beauty powder, lipsticks and eye shadows embossed with a gorgeous snake design.
The collection is on sale now and is available at MAC stores and online. The Year of the Snake collection includes eye shadow, pigment, lipstick, eye pencil, beauty powder and mascara options. The price range is $18 – $29.
images: courtesy of MAC