All posts filed under: Clothing

Loving the leggings from Threeasfour’s Spring 2009 Collection

The leggings from Threeasfour are awesome. More pictures from all angles are on the Threeasfour website. I’m digging this bodysuit also. It would be perfect under a sheer layer. More pictures from all angles are on the Threeasfour website. See full collection here Threeasfour Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear Collection on Complete Collection or check the video out. images:

Jay Ahr Personal Appearance Holt Renfrew

Jay Ahr came in from Paris for a personal appearance at Holt Renfrew where he showcased his Spring 2009 collection. Jonathan Riss, designer, makes some really beautiful and expensive gowns. Here are a couple of articles in and for you to learn a bit more about Jonathan.

i want: Mackage Fall 2008 Jackets

Jackets from Mackage I need another jacket like I need a hole in the head but these two from Mackage are pretty nice. The one with the architectural collar is wool. The other is nylon and packable. I like the idea of being able to pack up a jacket. I have a packable but it’s a lot more utilitarian and not very fashion. Mackage has a brand new online store now too. images: