All posts filed under: Clothing

i want: Straight Leg Trouser by Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony

Straight Leg Trouser by Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony When I heard Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony would be a unisex collection I had my doubts. Early photos didn’t turn my crank at all either. However, I’m a sucker for a great pair of pants and Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony delivers for men and women. I also enjoy how they use the male and female together. See the rest of the Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony collection.

i got: A Fun and Firty Summer Dress

I actually bought this dress last year. I noticed it in the window display of Zara. I was immediately drawn to the print. The Oracle though it was a good find and so I rushed in and got a sale associate to find me the dress. I wanted it at any costs, even if she had to get in there and strip it off the mannequin. It’s only things I have from Zara that was full price. I love Zara during sale time. When I got this picture back from Sangria Saturday fun this past weekend, I realized the power of the print on this dress. I haven’t had any pictures that displayed the print like this, so I never really noticed. I felt compelled to share it with you. It was very windy when this photo was taken, there is no New Look skirt action happening here. This dress can be a challenge in the wind, lol.

Inspiration Point by Rea McNamara in Eye Weekly

I got a phone called from Rea McNamara who wanted me to be part of her monthly fashion column for Toronto’s Eye Weekly called Inspiration Point. The print version is available now, grab it (8/6/09 – 8/12/09). I’ve got some I want – I got exclusive outtakes from the Inspiration Point photoshoot to share with you all. The concept: Wanted to not only celebrate Grace Jones’ iconic style but also her impact as a transgressive performance artist who challenged racial and gender stereotypes by interrogating preconceived notions ’round the black body. Similar to Josephine Baker, Jones flipped the ‘Black Venus’ script by fucking with ‘primitivist’ ideas (ie. dark black female as animalistic, ‘jungle’ etc) in very much a postmodern context (by doing it herself, it became about empowerment). While I think it’s GREAT that Jones was this big F/W 09 influence, her talent as a performer seems to be ignored. Stuff that I wanted include but couldn’t: her mom was a seamstress that did handmade Givenchy patterns for Grace, her 1970s Paris modelling career (she …

i want: A TÔ Long-Nam Jacket

I introduced you to the TÔ Long-Nam Fall 2009 – 2010 collection last month. I was walking through Holt Renfrew and came across a jacket from TÔ Long-Nam. I believe it’s from the SS09 collection. The jacket fits like a dream. The best part of the jacket is the draping in the back.

i want: A Mini Dress

Ever since the shock of seeing short dresses on the Valentino fall 2009 couture runway I’ve been thinking about mini dresses. Cashmere Cowl Neck Leather Mini Dress by Rick Owens This must be the softest feeling mini dress ever. Buttery Rick Owens leather and cashmere, heaven! Crepe Studded Mini Dress by Jo No Fui Jeweled Bustier Dress by Alessandro Dell’ Acqua For kicks the special order Jeweled Bustier Dress.