Design duo, Stephen Wong and Kirk Pickersgill announce an exciting collaboration between their signature line Greta Constantine and iconic Canadian retailer, DANIER. The capsule collection aptly tagged Greta Constantine SKIN, will see the self assured and modern Greta Constantine woman re-imagined for the DANIER brand and will be available at select DANIER locations Fall 2011. “Each season, DANIER is dedicated to offering our customers garments aimed to inspire their dressing. Aligning our brand with the captivating Canadian design label, Greta Constantine, has allowed us to further expand the scope of what that inspiration will be,†says Jennifer Steckel Elliott, VP Marketing, DANIER. The collection will be comprised of six looks primarily featuring second layer pieces, seamlessly offering a new and bold direction for the DANIER woman. “We wanted to develop pieces that exuded the ease and understated elegance of our Greta Constantine line,†explains Kirk Pickersgill. Stephen Wong adds, “Creating pieces for a broader demographic allowed us to consider what ‘affordable luxury’ truly entailedâ€. I cannot wait to see what DANIER x Greta Constantine collection. …