i want: Drawstring Parka by Muttonhead Apparel
Muttonhead Apparel started following me on twitter. When a clothing company follows me I usually check out their site to see what’s up. I was pretty intrigued as the are based in Toronto and they are doing a unisex line. The Drawstring Parka parka caught my eye. I can’t get enough of parkas. It’s made out of hemp, organic cotton, recycled leather and denim. There are a variety of colours: the traditional army green, olive, black and maroon. There is also a maroon option in a waterproof breathable fabric that is listed as Epic. You can purchase Muttonhead in Toronto at The Future of Frances Watson 1390 Queen Street West Or at their studio by appointment (email info@muttonheadcollective.com) 163 Sterling Road, Unit 9B