I usually one to skip lingerie shows. They are usually held a clubs and aren’t really a fashion but a vehicle to get horny men into the venue and buying alcohol. However last year I attended Lingerie Francaise presents Secret of Seduction which was a showcase of the top companies in France. I was a big fan of two of the companies in the show so I decided to attend. To my surprised I enjoyed myself so when the opportunity came up again I said yes and brought my trusty photog www.paulbaikphoto.com to document. I knew Paul would enjoy this gig immensely. The night will once again feature coveted brands last year’s celebrated evening; Lejaby, Elixir, Simone Perele, Chantelle, and Passionata will all share their unique fashion visions. Newcomers to the event Empreinte and Gerbe hosiery round out the selection for an evening that promises to provide a truly comprehensive presentation of the seductive and feminine world of lingerie. Details and embellishments are a strong trend for 2009/2010 with florals, embroidery and lace appearing in …