
Style Cog

This is the a cool idea, so I’ve adopted it from Danielle, who adopted it from Style Bubble.

I’m really interested in what other people’s wardrobe mechanics consists of so, if you have a little time to do some quick picture searching on Google, please do send me your cogs of style and I will post them up (they will look oh so cool next to each other!). Just to give you a few tips, I don’t mean things that inspire you or things that you want. What I mean are things that you can’t live without on a daily basis in your wardrobe, the things you use to glue everything together OR things that you consider trademarks of your style.

My style cog is about generalities. I usually have many versions of any one cogs. I won’t get into specifics, there are too many and I have no time. I’ll use existing posts to highlight my choices. Saves me from taking pictures. 😀

1. Sneakers – Adidas and Diesel are my favourites right now. I live in sneaks. Ya, I got heels and stuff and they are fun, but my heart is in the sneaker.
Adidas Gerd Muller

2. Tank Tops – I have almost all the colours of the rainbow. Complete staple of my wardrobe.
Tank Top

3. Hoodies – Love, love, love the hoodie, in all shapes and sizes. It’s my clothing comfort food.

4. Denim – Pant of choice, easily. I’m really in love with my new Diesels right now(they are not pictured).
Paper Denim

5. The Printed tshirt – Threadless. That’s all you need to know.
Communist Party by Threadless

6. Sunglasses – I need to hid from you. Leave me alone. 🙂
Prada Shades

7. My workout gear – I did a lot of sports during my youth. A lot. I was the freak jock, into sports but not a Jock. So I’ve pretty much spent most of my life in gym gear. I play squash nowadays at my gym. I don’t have that aversion to spandex that most people have. I’ve seen a lot of beautiful bodies running and sweating in that stuff. Sigh. That’s why I fawn over Stella’s Adidas stuff, it’s style and function.
Stella tights

8. Military, inspired and authentic – My favourite style of clothing overall. I not sure what it is with the military fetish. I sure don’t want to join the army, I just love the clothes.
Mackage Coat
Yes, I did get that Mackage coat called Anita in black.

Not a heel and dress in site on the list, strange huh. Surprising maybe to some of you. Not that I don’t love those things. This is about the foundation of my style.

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Anita Clarke is an Engineering Storyteller and the founder of the fashion blog “I want – I got.” She was one of the first and most prominent online fashion writers in Toronto and Canada.