Fashion, Friends

Bid on your own SpoonFed Art creation

SpoonFed Art Pendant
I received this word of this auction from SpoonFed Art publicist Kira Bloom.

The National Eating Disorders Association’s “Every BODY Is Beautiful” Online Fundraising Auction, which is currently running through December 6th. There are a number of amazing fashion-related items up for sale, including jewelry, handbags, several offerings from Marc Jacobs, and a pair of Kasil jeans customized and autographed by The Sopranos’ Jamie-Lynn Sigler. Jewelry designer Karin Collins donated three of her one-of-a-kind SpoonFed Art spoon pendants to the NEDA fundraising project – and they’re all currently ranked in the auction’s “Top 10 Items”! NEDA commissioned Karin to design one very special SpoonFed Art pendant featuring their own logo – and it’s currently listed as the Number One most popular item of the entire auction! Please let your readers know that they can go to this link for more information on this great event:

This entry was posted in: Fashion, Friends


Anita Clarke is an Engineering Storyteller and the founder of the fashion blog β€œI want – I got.” She was one of the first and most prominent online fashion writers in Toronto and Canada.