New York City, Travel

The Standard New York

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

Our first stop was at The Standard Hotel in the Meatpacking District. This is where Charles and Alessandro were staying.

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

They enjoy The Standard and mentioned how busy the hotel usually is. The dinning rooms are packed and the patio is pretty busy. It’s the kind of hotel that attracts locals as well as tourists. I’m always hearing about this and that party at The Standard on the blogs.

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

Bottom: Charles and Alessandro prepping for the day

Charles took me on a little tour of the hotel, showing me the patio and restaurants.

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

Artwork on the walls

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

Right: the view of The High Line from the hotel room

The hotel room had the most incredible view of Hudson and the very cool High Line Park.

The High Line was originally constructed in the 1930s, to lift dangerous freight trains off Manhattan’s streets. Section 1 of the High Line is open as a public park, owned by the City of New York and operated under the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Friends of the High Line is the conservancy charged with raising private funds for the park and overseeing its maintenance and operations, pursuant to an agreement with the Parks Department.

When all sections are complete, the High Line will be a mile-and-a-half-long elevated park, running through the West Side neighborhoods of the Meatpacking District, West Chelsea and Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen. It features an integrated landscape, designed by landscape architects James Corner Field Operations, with architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro, combining meandering concrete pathways with naturalistic plantings. Fixed and movable seating, lighting, and special features are also included in the park.

Access points from street level will be located every two to three blocks. Many of these access points will include elevators, and all will include stairs.(source)

The Standard New York, 848 Washington Street

Top: another view from the hotel room. Bottom: the large patio

Soon our driver in his black caddy picked us up and it was the beginning of the day’s adventure. The Standard looks so very cool and it’s on my list of hotels to check out in New York.

The Standard Hotel.
848 Washington Street
New York

This is one post in the series called I want – I got’s Bisha Adventure in New York City. Be sure to read the whole I want – I got’s Bisha Adventure in New York City series from the beginning. I want – I got would like to thank Matchstick and Bisha for providing for all travel expenses on this day trip to NYC.

This entry was posted in: New York City, Travel


Anita Clarke is an Engineering Storyteller and the founder of the fashion blog β€œI want – I got.” She was one of the first and most prominent online fashion writers in Toronto and Canada.