All posts filed under: Clothing

The Coat, Philip and I

I was send a video that brought back memories of taking this photo with Philip Sparks at the Holt Renfrew TIFF party. It was Philip’s idea to get for me to wear the racoon fur buffalo coat from the Fall 2009 collection. We come into play at 0:38 in the video. It’s originally from Radio Canada We had a total blast taking the photo and I’m glad the moment is recorded somewhere. Loves It! Anita <3s Philip.

The Blanket Statement by The Hudson’s Bay Company

I was invited to the preview of  The Blanket Statement in the Hudson’s Bay Company Shop on Queen Street.  The Blanket Statement is a collaboration that saw 10 Canadian designers rework the traditional Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket into coat. In addition to unveiling the 10 one of a kind coats, the event also showcased new items created for the Hudson’s Bay Company Shop. Specialty items from fashion to home to collectibles have been created by several Canadian fashion designers and artisans — encompassing everything from organic T-shirts to artisanal maple syrup cubes to women’s recycled fur accessories. My favourite coats are a toss up between Comrags and Smythe. It wasn’t just womenswear designers, Krane and Klaxon Howl created something for the guys. The new collection at the Hudson’s Bay Company Shop included custom made canoes, canoe paddles, Pink Tartan Hudson’s Bay Point cardigans, $75 pure maple sugar cube (I was astonished at this item to be honest. I even had to twitpic it.), specially made tshirts from Shared, chocolates, chunky sweaters, Virgina Johnson printed scarfs, …

i want: Yaudie tshirts

Yaudie is a line created by a high school friend of mine. It’s funny how lives come together years afterwards in unusual ways. Yaudie is very influenced by Caribbean roots and heritage. So, when I saw this Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum inspired shirt I was in love. Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum is a crazy rum you can only get in the Caribbean. It’s Jamaican actually (my parents are from Barbados). It’s 63% but it’s fantastic in punch and other fruity drinks. They won’t allow it in Canada so the only way to get it is to travel or get friends to bring you back some. As you can imagine, it gets you drunk fast and doesn’t taste like the hell you would expect. It’s one of my favourite rums. You can purchase Yaudie Ts off the website. You can also check out the Yaudie blog. images:

TEFW Outfits – Fashion Crimes

On Day 2 of LG Fashion Week I wore Fashion Crimes. It’s been a lot of near misses but I finally got myself outfitted for a night at Fashion Crimes. I had a great time with Coco choosing an outfit and jewellery in the store. Mi Concept Jacket; Dress by Pam Chorley; Earrings, ring and necklace, Fashion Crimes. I want to thank Miss Sly for the photo. She mentioned me in a post about LG Fashion Week.

Ask a Geek: Plus sized clothing in Toronto – Updated October 25, 2009

Sometimes readers ask me questions. If they are of value to all my readers I post them online. If you have a question, please feel free to submit it using the contact form. I’ll definitely do my best to answer it. I want – I got commentor Liana wrote in the post Revlon Warehouse Sale: Hi everyone… Does anyone know where I can get nice plus-sized clothing for myself here in Toronto? I’ve tried the usual haunts (Cotton Ginny, Pennigton’s, etc) but affordable too. I know in the U.S of A, they have lot’s of stuff cheap, but I don’t have a car and no one to take me there. This isn’t a topic I’m very knowledgeable in but I have looked up some of the plus sized boutiques in Toronto. I can’t guarantee it will be cheap like the states but the price probably would work out to be the same if you factor in gas, accommodation, car rental, etc. Toronto Life has a small article called Living Large which features shops in the …