All posts tagged: Owls

i want…

cul de sac design ceramics The blue ceramics stuck out the most with me, but you can get items in other colours. They also do custom work if their traditional designs don’t do it for you. I personally like the animals especially the owl. You can find cul de sac designs at this season’s One of a Kind Show and the Gardiner Museum. images:

i want…

Owl cocktail ring by Karen Walker Jewelery I’m not a big ring person but I’m in love with this Owl Cocktail Ring. It’s available in different metals like sterling silver (my favourite), white gold and yellow gold. Karen is definitely working the animal jewelry trend. In addition to owls she also uses lions. I really like the Lion head pendant. The product shots on her website are really innovative. I love the use of animals. I’m pretty sure the lobster was probably dead before shooting this but I’m not sure about the others.

i got…

Ever since I did The Owl Files Series (Apparel, Jewelry, Accessories), I’ve been on the lookout for Owl necklaces. It seems that they have reached critical mass and are now readily available in local stores. These pictures are pretty horrible, but you get the idea. These two came from Want Boutique at Yonge/St. Clair. The right one is very similar to necklaces that I featured in the post. These two came from Obsessions Fashion Accessories which is located in the Path of the TD Tower. It’s a great place to get jewelry. Four necklaces is looking a lot like a collection. I’ll have to talk about my other collections in later posts. I have a collection of vintage Adidas track jackets that need their praise.

i want… The Owl Files – Apparel

I love Owls, they are my favourite bird. The fact that owls are showing up in fashion makes me very happy. I decided to do a series of posts on Owls in fashion. I found too much stuff for one post. To start off we are going to talk Apparel. Hoodies & Sweaters Barn Owl Hoodie Owl – Sky Sweater See print details